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Maps in Golang

Published on 10 May 2020
Last Updated on 10 May 2020

The syntax to declare a map is:

var mapIdentifier map[typeOfKey]typeOfValue

Where typeOfKey is the type of key that will be used while defining a map key and typeOfValue will be used for defining the type of values that will be stored in the map.

Program to demonstrate how to declare an empty map

Program given below demonstrates various ways by which an empty map can be defined.

package main

import "fmt"

func main()  {
	// using var for empty map declaration
	var emptyMap1 map[string]int

	// defining an empty map using make
	emptyMap2 := make(map[int]int)


Program output

Above program produces following output:


Accessing and changing values in a Map

Program given below demonstrates how to access and change values that already exist in a map.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	var exampleMap = map[int]string{
		1: "one",
		2: "two",
		3: "three",

	// accessing value
	fmt.Println("exampleMap[1] :",exampleMap[1])
	// change value
	// print new value to console
	fmt.Println("exampleMap[1] :",exampleMap[1])


Program output

Above program produces following output:

exampleMap[1] : one
exampleMap[1] : four

Initializing a map using map literals

Program given below demonstrates how to declare and initialize a map at the same time using the map using map literals.

While initializing a map using map literals, keys are mandatory.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	var map1 = map[string]int{
		"a": 1,
		"b": 2,
		"c": 3,
		"d": 4,


Program output

Above program produces following output:

map[a:1 b:2 c:3 d:4]

fmt.Println prints map objects in the form of map[key1:value1 key2:value2].

Map keys can’t be duplicate

In Golang map keys can not be duplicate, however map values can be duplicate as demonstrated in the example given below:

var emptyMap1 = map[string]int{
	"a": 1,
	// duplicate map value is legal
	"b": 1,

	// duplicate map key is not legal
	"a": 1,

How to iterate a map in Golang

In Golang, we can iterate over maps using the range form of the for loop.

Using for range loop we can access individual key value pairs of the a map as shown in the example given below:

// iterating a map in Golang
package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	var exampleMap = map[string]string{
		"key_1": "value_1",
		"key_2": "value_2",
		"key_3": "value_3",

	for key, value := range exampleMap {
		fmt.Println("key is:", key)
		fmt.Println("value is:", value)

Program output

Above program produces following output:

key is: key_2
value is: value_2
key is: key_3
value is: value_3
key is: key_1
value is: value_1

To only access the key, the loop can be modified as follows:

for key := range exampleMap {
  fmt.Println("key is:", key)

To only access the value of elements in the map, then the loop can be modified as follows:

for _,value := range exampleMap {
  fmt.Println("value is:", value)

How to calculate length of a map in Golang

Program given below demonstrates how to calculate length of a map using the built in len function. len function can also be used to calculate length of other data types such as arrays, slices and more.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	var exampleMap = map[int]string{
		1: "one",
		2: "two",
		3: "three",

	fmt.Println("length of the map is:", len(exampleMap))

Program output

Above program produces following output:

length of the map is: 3

How to delete an element inside a map in Golang

Go provides a built in function called delete for deleting elements inside a map. Using this function, values stored inside map can be deleted by providing its key.

Program given below demonstrates how to use delete function to delete a specific element inside a map using its key.

First argument passed to delete function is the map that is being altered, second argument is the key that will be getting deleted from the map.

If the key that is being passed to the delete function does not exist then Golang won’t throw an error instead program execution will continue as expected.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	var exampleMap = map[int]string{
		1: "one",
		2: "two",
		3: "three",

	// delete map value with key 1

	// no error even if key `100` does not exist

	// print exampleMap to console

Program output

Above program produces following output:

map[2:two 3:three]

Maps are referenced data types

When an existing map is assigned to a newly declared map then newly declared map is only a reference to the original map. If any changes are made to the newly referenced map then these changes are also reflected on the original map as well.

To create a true new copy of the map individual elements of the map must be manually copied instead of referencing the original map.